Welcome to
Fem Ed,
where our menstrual matters,

An Australian study (2024) surveyed 1600 adolescents and found 90% who menstruate experience period pain, and that for 21% the pain is severe.

Okay, so what is Fem Ed you ask? …

• Fem Ed is a concept created by Health Professional and Educator Chloe Sheehan that aims to promote the normalisation of menstruation, puberty and sex-education through a shame and stigma free lens.

• Fem Ed caters particularly to tweens, teens and their parents through in person workshops and online educational recourses however, the content provided here is for any-body who wants to gain a deeper understanding about their menstrual and sexual health.

• Chloe is the face behind FemEd, a qualified Naturopath and Nutritionist (BHSc) based in Newcastle Australia with a special interest in fertility and reproductive health and wellness. You can read more about Chloe’s own health and fertility journey here.

Wave goodbye to dear Aunt Flo and welcome Period in all her glory. #PeriodProud

‘It needs to be talked about earlier’: some children get periods at 8, YEARS before menstruation is taught at school.

By navigating yourself here you’re already leading the change to better, more educated periods, hormones and body positivity.

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The Relationship Between PCOS and Insulin

Insulin is a hormone and Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal condition. Read on to explore their relationship. PCOS affects approximately 1 in 10 women of reproductive age. PCOS occurs when there is a disruption to the ovaries…

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